Rating system on the new website

Rating system on the new website

Беленко Владимир Алексеевич tomonidan -
Number of replies: 0

Dear teachers!

 We inform you that you can get the necessary information about the implementation of the reiting system and the final testing in the new web-site «PEGAS»:

  • Having studied the instructions. Access mode: 5 BRS, Final testing (http://pegas.bsu.edu.ru/mod/book/view.php?id=423758&chapterid=633). 
  • Having asked a question in the system "Question-answer" "Ask a question on distance learning" http://abitur.bsu.edu.ru/abitur/help/dot/question/.
  • During the internal consultations (building 1.k 222 (Klepikova AG), k.221 (Belenko VA, Nemtsev SN, Romanchenko TG).
  • During the phone consultation 301878 (Klepikova AG), 301 876 (Belenko VA, Germans SN Romanchenko TG).
  • Having studied the open electronic training course. Access mode: Pegasus / block Hot links / Teachers / Teacher UP / Training course "Design and organization of educational process in the e-learning system "PEGAS". http://pegas.bsu.edu.ru/course/view.php?id=6971
  • Having participated in our seminars and practical classes in September-November 2017 (the schedule is being specified). 
  • Becoming a student of the advanced training program "Designing and organizing the educational process in the e-learning system "PEGAS" (based on the Moodle 3.0 platform)" - 1 Step "

Head of the Department of Electronic Educational Technologies
Belenko V.A.

(Edited by Гальцев Олег Владимирович - original submission Friday, 1 September 2017, 12:41 PM)

(Edited by Гальцев Олег Владимирович - original submission Friday, 1 September 2017, 12:44 PM)